Sisi huku tupo huru.Wenzetu wapo gerezani,mahospitalini,na kwingine wamekosa hata punje ya fursa ya kufanya jambo.Lakini wanapo pata fursa hizo huzitumia na kutoka kimaisha kuliko hata wanao jifanya wako huru.Uhuru wetu ume geuka adhabu.
Wajue akina mama walio toka kambi ya wakimbizi na kuibuka na mafanikio makubwa hata kushangaza ulimwengu.
Soma zaidi:
Strive Masiyiwa
AfricanLionessRoar: An African Social
Entrepreneur mobilising global leaders.
Dr Sipho Moyo from Zimbabwe (6/10).
These days we are all familiar with the fact that
global political leaders meet throughout the year
at gatherings such as the UN General Assembly,
G7, G20, BRICS, World Bank, IMF, African Union
Summits. Global business leaders also have their
own gatherings such as the World Economic
Forum in Switzerland and Africa.
sometimes political and business leaders meet
together to discuss issues of regional or global
These meetings are important because a complex
world requires collaboration.
At all these meetings it has become quite
common to find Civil Society leaders represented:
Any progressive business or political leader now
knows that a meeting without a meaningful role
for civil society is "meaningless".
Many of these people come to make sure that
issues of extreme poverty, environment, injustice,
protection of children, and conflict, are firmly on
the agenda. By the time such meetings take place
the Civil Society representatives have been
working for sometimes months or even years to
ensure they get these issues on the agenda.
the emergence of Civil Society to play this role
is without doubt the most important development
in global governance in the 21st century and
It was not always so, and many civil society
organisations are still fighting to take their rightful
place at the table. The battle continues.
Dr Sipho Moyo who runs the African wing of a
global organisation called the ONE Campaign, is
without doubt one of the most influential Social
Entrepreneurs in the world today. A trained banker
with a PHD in economics, this # AfricanLionessR
oar left a 12 year career job at the African
Development Bank, to go to the frontline of
mobilising global responses to issues of extreme
poverty, when she took charge of setting up the
African unit of the global organisation ONE
Sipho and her colleagues know that it is not
enough to simply protest, even though they are
very good at it; they not only identify a problem
but they come up with solutions, and argue
forcefully for them to be adopted.
As an Economist Sipho knows that it is important
to support what you say with hard data. As an
example of what they do, they were recently at
the World Economic Forum in Cape Town, and
also the African Union Summit. The issue this
time is that of Women and Girls in Africa.
Here is some shocking data that they shared
about the situation that the African girl child, and
African woman face, RIGHT NOW:
# A woman in Africa is 100 times more likely to
die bringing a new life into the world than a
woman in Europe.
# Almost 40,000 girls under the age of 18 become
child brides every day, with a greater chance of
suffering abuse from their husbands.
# Only a little over 20% of poor rural girls in Africa
complete primary education and fewer than 10%
finish lower secondary school.
# Of adults living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa,
58% are women.
_'The challenges and injustices that girls and
women in the developing world face are many—
across all aspects of life—and include structural,
social, economic and political barriers. In Africa,
far more than anywhere else, women are
disproportionately affected by corruption because
of reduced access to resources, lower
participation in governance and weaker protection
of their rights.' (Dr Sipho Moyo).
I meet Sipho often, and I call her my "little
sister". And whenever I see her I'm reminded of
that great injunction to all believers in God, from
the Master himself:
"What is it for a man to gain the whole world and
to lose his soul?"
It's not all about making as much money as
you can, or having as much power as possible:
The Master will not ask you, "how much money
did you make? Or how high in public office did
you rise?"
We all need to get involved in fighting extreme
poverty, injustice and exclusion. Get involved in
Civil society, and be a Social Entrepreneur.
There are 4 more to go. Some will be social
entrepreneurs and others business entrepreneurs.
I hope you have been inspired so far.
To be continued…
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