Rais Barack Obama amethibitisha kifo cha mfanyakazi wa shirika la kutoa misaada la Marekani Abdul-Rahman Kassig, ambaye ameuawa kwa kukatwa kichwa na kuonyeshwa katika video iliyorushwa na kundi la Islamic State (IS).
Bwana Obama amekitaja kitendo hicho kuwa "uovu uliopitiliza" na kutoa salaam zake za rambirambi kwa familia ya Bwana Kassig, aliyekuwa na umri wa miaka 26, ambaye alitekwa nyara nchini Syria mwaka jana.
Video hiyo ambayo imethibitishwa na Ikulu ya Marekani, inamwonyesha mtu aliyejificha uso akiwa amesimama juu ya kichwa cha Bwana Kassig.
Pia inaonyesha kukatwa vichwa kwa raia 18 wa Syria waliotambuliwa kama maafisa wa jeshi na marubani.
Rais Obama amempongeza Bwana Kassig kama mtu wa kutoa msaada kwa watu wengine na kusema " alichukuliwa kwetu katika kitendo cha uovu wa kupitiliza uliofanywa na kikundi cha kigaidi ambacho ulimwengu unakihusisha na unyama".
"leo tunatoa sala zetu na rambirambi kwa wazazi na familia ya Abdul-Rahman Kassig, ambaye pia tulimjua kwa jina la Peter," amesema.
Kauli ya Bwana Obama imekuja wakati akirejea Marekani kutoka Australia ambako alikuwa akihudhuria kikao cha viongozi wa nchi za G20.
Kikundi cha IS, ambacho kinadhibiti sehemu kubwa ya Syria na Iraq, mpaka sasa kimewaua mateka watano kutoka nchi za magharibi.
Wengine ni Waingereza Alan Henning na David Haines, na waandishi wa habari wa Marekani James Foley na Steven Sotloff.
Mauaji hayo yalitekelezwa na mtu anayeaminika kuwa Mwingereza. Ndevu za mtu huyo zinafanana na wapiganaji walioficha nyuso zao wakiwa wamepigwa picha ya video wakimwonyesha Bwana Kassig.
Tofauti na video zilizotolewa siku za nyuma na kundi la IS, video hii mpya inaonyesha sura za wapiganaji wengi wa jihad na wanaonyesha sehemu yake kuwa ni Dabiq katika jimbo la Aleppo nchini Syria.
Bwana Kassig alikuwa askari wa zamani wa Marekani ambaye alitumikia jeshi la nchi hiyo nchini Iraq.
Baadaye alifundishwa kama mtaalam wa matibabu ya dharura na kuanzisha shirika la kukabiliana na matukio ya dharura na msaada (Sera), likisaidia kusambaza misaada katika makambi yaliyo katika pande zote mbili za mpaka wa Syria.
Alikuwa akiandaa mradi kwa ajili ya shirika lake la Sera alipotekwa mwezi Oktoba 2013 wakati akisafiri kuelekea mashariki mwa Syria.
Endelea kusoma Chapisho hili hapa ili Ujue sababu iliyo Sababisha Mauaji hayo.....
....Kessing ina semekana ali Chinjwa kwa sababu alikuwa miongoni mwa wapiganaji walio kuwemo kwenye vita vya Iraq,Ali uawa kwa kuhusika katika mauaji ya Waislam kwenye aridhi yao...
Kime eleza chanzo hicho....
Peter Kassig, from what I am reading, was a politically engaged young man who wanted to help. He converted to Islam in 2013 after being kidnapped. What has happened to him and the 12 other Syrians, if the authenticity of the video is confirmed, will also reaffirm ISIL's position on Islam.
There is a train of thought in Islam that suggests we are all Muslims when born, and we do not convert, we simply revert.
Using that thought, Peter and other Syrians allegedly killed were actually always Muslim. So why execute other Muslims? ISIL have said that Kassig was an Iraq war veteran, and the Syrians were soldiers so therefore it was religiously justified.
The reason can be found in the obscure term "apostate." An apostate is someone that either renounced or abandoned religious principles or faith. In Islam it is further defined as someone who has denied his natural instinct to submit to God.
As a convert to Islam, Kessig found his natural instinct for God, hence the whole revert/convert idea.
For ISIL, apostasy is a grave sin, perhaps the gravest. In my reporting on the deaths of Kassig and the 12 Syrians, I posted some lines on social media.
Here is the full text: "#ISIL say that Peter Kassig was killed because he was a veteran of the Iraq war. He was killed for coming to a Muslim land to kill Muslims. He converted to Islam, so I guess he was in fact a Muslim killed by Muslims for coming to a Muslim land to help Muslims. Religion has little to do with this. Retribution and territory have more."
Immediately, I was mocked by ISIL supporters who called me an apostate and also referred to Kassig and the others as such.
In fact one ISIL supporter, with his twitter profile showing a fighter with his face covered, toting an AK47, said: "We don't judge it that way. Anyone working with the apostates is considered one of them."
And there lies the crucial ideological difference between those that support ISIL and those that don't and consider themselves Muslims.
ISIL have a narrow, clearly defined role for those that pledge allegiance to the Caliphate. It is their way or no way at all. No freedom of thought or expression outside of that.
For them Islam is about submission and therefore they believe Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIL's leader, is the rightly guided Caliph and to be followed without doubt.
But with that rigidity comes an absolute moral standard and that is dangerous. Beheadings become routine. Accusations against anyone who is not with you become commonplace, and the penalty for apostasy is death. ISIL have a clear idea of what being an apostate is. Anyone that is not one of them or abides by their laws.
But remember it is not just ISIL who think in absolutes. The Bush doctrine, named after the US president George W Bush, was a version of the same idea, "you're either with us or against us."
Considering he was the architect of the Iraq war, that was the starting point for where we are now.
It is an indication of where an inflexible doctrine can lead. ISIL have a powerful ideology that attracts supporters because they believe it is the right path. No amount of shock at their tactics will destroy that idea.
Follow Imran Khan on Twitter @ajimran
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©Mjumbe Blog Volunteers
Peter Kassig, from what I am reading, was a politically engaged young man who wanted to help. He converted to Islam in 2013 after being kidnapped. What has happened to him and the 12 other Syrians, if the authenticity of the video is confirmed, will also reaffirm ISIL's position on Islam.
There is a train of thought in Islam that suggests we are all Muslims when born, and we do not convert, we simply revert.
Using that thought, Peter and other Syrians allegedly killed were actually always Muslim. So why execute other Muslims? ISIL have said that Kassig was an Iraq war veteran, and the Syrians were soldiers so therefore it was religiously justified.
The reason can be found in the obscure term "apostate." An apostate is someone that either renounced or abandoned religious principles or faith. In Islam it is further defined as someone who has denied his natural instinct to submit to God.
As a convert to Islam, Kessig found his natural instinct for God, hence the whole revert/convert idea.
For ISIL, apostasy is a grave sin, perhaps the gravest. In my reporting on the deaths of Kassig and the 12 Syrians, I posted some lines on social media.
Here is the full text: "#ISIL say that Peter Kassig was killed because he was a veteran of the Iraq war. He was killed for coming to a Muslim land to kill Muslims. He converted to Islam, so I guess he was in fact a Muslim killed by Muslims for coming to a Muslim land to help Muslims. Religion has little to do with this. Retribution and territory have more."
Immediately, I was mocked by ISIL supporters who called me an apostate and also referred to Kassig and the others as such.
In fact one ISIL supporter, with his twitter profile showing a fighter with his face covered, toting an AK47, said: "We don't judge it that way. Anyone working with the apostates is considered one of them."
And there lies the crucial ideological difference between those that support ISIL and those that don't and consider themselves Muslims.
ISIL have a narrow, clearly defined role for those that pledge allegiance to the Caliphate. It is their way or no way at all. No freedom of thought or expression outside of that.
For them Islam is about submission and therefore they believe Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, ISIL's leader, is the rightly guided Caliph and to be followed without doubt.
But with that rigidity comes an absolute moral standard and that is dangerous. Beheadings become routine. Accusations against anyone who is not with you become commonplace, and the penalty for apostasy is death. ISIL have a clear idea of what being an apostate is. Anyone that is not one of them or abides by their laws.
But remember it is not just ISIL who think in absolutes. The Bush doctrine, named after the US president George W Bush, was a version of the same idea, "you're either with us or against us."
Considering he was the architect of the Iraq war, that was the starting point for where we are now.
It is an indication of where an inflexible doctrine can lead. ISIL have a powerful ideology that attracts supporters because they believe it is the right path. No amount of shock at their tactics will destroy that idea.
Follow Imran Khan on Twitter @ajimran
LIKE page yetu MJUMBE BLOG au Tutembelee Mtandaoni kila mara andika MJUMBE BLOG ingia hapo ili Uji Update zaidi .
©Mjumbe Blog Volunteers
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