Credit:Coach James Mwang'amba;
Last night at Victoria Petrol Station when I spoke
to hundreds of people mostly youngsters, I said
that the most important thing in life is not to
seek success, money, or fame but to seek to be
the person of VALUE. So whether you are
employed or self employed, be the best that you
can, in fact as John Maxwell likes to say; be all
that you can be!
If you manufacture soap, produce the best soap
there is! If you bake cake, bake the most
delicious cake that you can. If you are an MC,
entertainer, musician etc, offer the most excellent
service that you can provide. That way, you will
begin to separate yourself from the masses and
build what we call your personal BRAND. The
market pays BIG for great brands.
So great value coupled with integrity will make
you an important person in the community. But if
you will add passion to that equation, you will
now become a very important person (V.I.P)
V = Value
I = Integrity
P = Passion and you will have a voice in the
society. I have seen it in my own life and in the
lives of many champions both within and without
That is what has led me to address critically
important audiences like big corporations, non
governmental organisations and big churches (like
the Winners Chapel Dar es Salaam yesterday -
see pictures) as a speaker. This formula is what
will make me speak in South Africa to
international audiences in September and to the
Global Leadership Summit in Dar es Salaam
November this year.
So to become a V. I.P and to stand out from
thousands or even millions, go out and work on
yourself. Improve your product or service to the
highest level possible. Then always do what you
said you would do or simply put; honour your
word! As you do these two, do not forget to
operate with the highest levels of passion
possible. If you will do these three things, you will
begin to cause waves in the society and guess
what? I will definitely see at the top someday!
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