Kuna utafiti na uchunguzi kadhaa ulisha fanyika na uka toa matokeo.Utafiti huo ni ule wa kuhusianisha umbo flani la mwanadamu na hulka au hatima ya maisha yake ama talanta yake.
Leo nime kuwekea hapa ufafanuzi wa tafsiri ya mistari mikuu kiganjani mwako na hatima ya maisha yako.
What does your palm Line mean??
Mstari ulio kiganjani mwako una maanisha nini?
Mstari mkuu kwenye kiganja chako cha mkono ni mstari ambao huwa chini ya kidole kirefu au cha kati uki ambaa kutoka mwanzo mwa kiganja mpaka vidoleni....
The heart line is the line that’s below the index finger or middle finger (depending on how long yours is) and extends to the edge of your palm underneath your little finger
A:Mstari mkuu kiganjani ukianzia chini ya kidole cha kati,
Wewe ni Kiongozi, Una Malengo makubwa
If your heart line begins below your middle finger, you’re more of a leader. You’re ambitious, independent, intelligent and have the skill to make decisions. You’re less sensitive and more cold to others.
B:Kama mstari mkuu uta anzia kati ya kidole cha kati na kirefu,
Wewe ni Makarimu, Watu hukuamini kirahisi
If your heart line starts between the middle finger and index finger, you’re considerate and kind. You’re hesitant and cautious when other people are involved but people trust you. You use common sense in decisions.
C:Kama uta anzia chini ya kidole cha kati,
Wewe ni Kiongozi,Una Malengo makubwa,mwenye kujitegemea mwenye uwezo wa kufanya maamzi sahihi na mwenye uwezo kiakili;
If your heart line begins below your middle finger, you’re more of a leader. You’re ambitious, independent, intelligent and have the skill to make decisions. You’re less sensitive and more cold to others.
D:Kama mstari mkuu kiganjani uta anzia katikati ya kidole kilefu zaidi na dole gumba.
Wewe ni Mvumilivu, Una Moyo Mwema;
If it starts between the index finger and your thumb, you’re patient, caring, have good intentions
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