Most of us might have heard of these words coming out of our parent’s mouths when we were growing up; “Son! Go to School, get good grades and find a safe secure JOB. Save money and buy a BIG house.
And very few parents say the following words to their children; “Son! Go to School, get good grades, start a business employ people to work for you and enjoy time and financial freedom.
Which one sounds more cooler? Any intelligent person would tell you the second one does. But why does Society want us to be looking for jobs? Why aren’t we raised to be the ones creating one? Why aren’t we raised to be creative to create opportunities to the market place? Why aren’t we taught this in School? Is this the reason why more than 85% of the richest Billionaires in the world dropped out of high school?
I remember attending a business seminar one day and the person on stage was sharing with us a very painful story about our life we live. Before I share with you the story I would like to apologize in advance as I may sound offensive.
The story is about slaves who were working in a cotton plantation many years ago during the slave period. When it was 6 O’clock in the morning the slave master would ring a bell to wake up all the slaves, have a quick breakfast and go to the cotton plantation. They would work there till midday when the bell would ring for them to take a quick lunch and go back to the plantation till sunset. The bell would ring again for them to have dinner. They would chat, sing some songs to cheer themselves up (to bad there were no TV’s) and after few hours of chatting they would then sleep and the same thing would happen the following days, weeks, months, years and decades. Every months they would be given some few coins for the work they did to feel secure but they were never free at all. They couldn’t do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Life was a living hell.
Now let us fast forward to the 21st Century. There is now new development, new technology and new terminologies. There isn’t any slave master now to ring a bell for you to go to the cotton plantation but there is an alarm clock that rings at 7.00 a.m (or whatever time your Slave master, oops sorry your Boss wants you to arrive at work). You wake up with a frown on your face and you head to the plantation, oops I meant your J.O.B. You work till lunch and given half an hour break. You come back and work till 4.00 pm. You go home, watch TV eat dinner sleep and the same cycle happens for days, weeks, months and years.
The question is. Are you really free? Is there any difference between the man who was working for the slave master and the one working for the Boss? The only difference I see is that you look more smart and drive a car going to your plantation. Can you travel whenever you wanted to or had to ask for you Boss’ permission? Are you really free? Are you really happy? Studies shows that 55% of workers in the US aren’t happy at all with their J.O.B.s (Just Over Broke)

Why Majority of People are Slaves and will remain so

  1. Social hypnosis: We’re hypnotized by society to look for jobs after we graduate
  2. Most people would rather look for job security (which no longer exists) than freedom
  3. Most people don’t really believe they can create opportunities to the market place. They think opportunities are for BIG people like Bill Gates, Sergey Brin and Mark Zuckerberg. What they don’t understand is that they were all once small.
  4. Fear of failure: In school we were always punished whenever we fail which then grew into fear like a virus as we grew older. Why risk starting your own business while you can get a job?
  5. Comfort Zone – Most are just lazy to start something new. They are comfortable with the normal everyday routine of go to work and coming back home.

Why are you here?

I heard this phrase from Eric Worre,
"Those who ask HOW will always end up working for those who ask WHY.”
Now the question is. Why are you here? Is it just going to the cotton plantation and making your slave master happy or there is an even BIGGER meaning?
I believe you have something so special that can add a lot of value to the community and the rest of the world. The difference between you and any great man is they knew their why. Nelson Mandela looked for that meaning. So did Gandhi, Mother Theressa, Michael Angelo and all other leaders out there.  Now it’s your turn to find out. If you had something you really wanted to do since you were young, NOW is the chance. Go for it. Of course you will fail, fail, fail, but ultimately you will achieve massive success. If your WHY is strong enough, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail.
My goal to you is for you to achieve that success. I hope these few words have touched you to realize your WHY and take action. Let me know by commenting down below. And lets share the value to all our friends in facebook, twitter, linkedin and all other networks. I apologize for any offensive language I’ve used. Good luck
Your Business Coach
Lusabara Essau